

Shout out to our front-line hunger heroes

Greetings Valiant Volunteers and Glorious Gleaners,

As summer is coming to a close, we want to take a moment to acknowledge our inspiring group of front-line volunteers–many new faces who have stepped up during this unprecedented time of need, and many dedicated hunger heroes who have stayed committed to fighting for healthy food access with us over the years!

With your help, along with so many dedicated farm partners, Rolling Harvest has rescued, gleaned, sourced and moved over 518,000 pounds of nutrient-rich fresh food so far since COVID-19 hit in mid-March.

You are really making a huge difference, sometimes entire families rolling up their sleeves together to do the work that is required to meet this moment in time. Helping glean and harvest directly from our farms in the hottest July on record. Bagging up and distributing 1000 abundant boxes of fruits, veggies, milk, meats and eggs at our frequent pop-up emergency free farm markets. Helping to load and transport food from farms to pantries to where it is needed the most. Keeping our Nutrition Education outreach impact going in spite of the social distancing safety protocols.

Somehow, our normal “Thanks a bushel!” doesn’t even begin to express the depth of our appreciation for you for Keeping us Rolling!

–Cathy Snyder, Founder and Executive Director