Rolling Harvest Donation Fields and Regional Food Access Hub at Gravity Hill Farm.
Join us every Wednesday from 9-11:00 AM in season!

Meet our small but mighty farm dream team!

man standing in dirt in field on farm

Jon Haddad, Food Operations Manager

Expanding on his expertise as Property Manager, Jon now helps coordinate all aspects of growing culturally-relevant food and keeps everything running smoothly at our donation fields at Gravity Hill Farm in Titusville, NJ. He is a master trouble-shooter and problem solver!

volunteers gleaning produce from field on farmOur Valiant Hunger-Fighting Volunteers from all walks of life.

Volunteers are at the core of everything we do and all of the impact we hope to achieve connecting local farmers with neighbors in need. We could not roll without you!

And last but certainly not least...

photo of David Earling and Maria NicoloGravity Hill Farm Owners Extraordinaire – David Earling and Farm Manager Maria Nicolo

Without whose vision, efforts and partnership none of this would have become the exciting reality it now is! It truly takes a village.

Gleaning at Rolling Harvest Fields @ Gravity Hill Farm

Join us at the Rolling Harvest fields at Gravity Hill Farm every Wednesday during the growing and gleaning season, from 9:00 to 11:00 AM — start time is seasonally adjusted based on the weather. Kids 10 and older welcome. We start mid-April and go straight through to Thanksgiving! Gravity Hill Farm is located at 67 Pleasant Valley Rd Titusville, NJ 08560.

  • Always double-check with us for cancellations due to dangerous weather conditions.
  • Please continue to bring your own masks and gloves and plan on practicing safe social distancing.

Email Jamie McKnight to sign up!

New Volunteer? Please fill subscribe to our mailing list and be sure to complete our volunteer waiver.

Gravity Hill Farm was founded in 2005 as a small family farm, dedicated to teaching about nature—and nurturing—through organic farming and raising animals. Co-owners David Earling and Maria Nicolo wanted to create a farm rooted in their community, and of service to that community. As of the 2020 farm season, all growing at Gravity Hill Farm benefits Rolling Harvest Food Rescue to assist us in our mission to distribute fresh produce to neighbors in need. Throughout the farming season, there will be plenty of opportunities for volunteers and visitors to enjoy the beauty of the farm, groups to visit the education garden, and interact with the many animals that call Gravity Hill Farm home!